Episode 20: Christina Medina & Troop 30460

What does it take to work second shift full-time while caring for your family and leading your daughter’s Girl Scout troop? Christina Medina will tell you that it can be challenging, but that the challenge is beyond worth it.  Christina is  the troop leader for her daughter Isabel’s Cadette Troop in our Lansing region. This episode is a special one that was recorded over two sessions; the first part at their troop meeting in November, and the second part with Christina and Isabel over winter break.

Tune into this episode to hear from both Christina and her girls about:

  • How the troop saved her life on a trip to Mackinac Island
  • The troop’s passion for animals and giving back to the community
  • Why these Cadettes love Girl Scouts
  • How a troop can be “girl-led”

Listen to hear all this and more!