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Episode 65: Rebecca Noell

We are so excited to have Women of Distinction Honoree Rebecca Noell this episode on the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast. Rebecca and Brenna touch on her history with the Girl Scouts and how that sparked her passion for learning and future in higher education.

Rebecca resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with her American Staffy, Wilbur. She works in higher education and student affairs, with expertise in student conduct, conflict resolution, organizational development, risk reduction, student engagement, fraternity and sorority life, student development, and leadership. She currently works at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Rebecca is also pursuing a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University. She is actively involved in her national sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha, and community service through the Junior League of Ann Arbor. Rebecca likes to read, travel, and spend time with friends and family in her free time.

Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, in each episode, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan 2024 Women of Distinction Honorees, and they will share their story, their history with Girl Scouts, and what led them to become nominated by community members and peers based on their professional and community leadership both professionally and in their communities, community service, being a strong role model for girls, and their community visibility.

Episode 64: Elizabeth Garvey

Joining Brenna this week on The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast is 2024 Women of Distinction Honoree, Elizabeth Garvey! This episode Elizabeth and Brenna touch on her background in education, how she came to move to Michigan, and how educating the next generation is the best gift you could given the legacy she hopes to leave.

Garvey is a Wilmington College graduate in English, psychology, religion, and secondary education, followed by two master’s degrees from Michigan State University. She has volunteered in various organizations, such as the Salvation Army and Girl Scouts. Garvey also hosted a weekly radio program, “Radio Storytime,” for over 15 years. Now retired, she enjoys traveling the world for missions and adventures and hopes to write a book someday.

Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, in each episode, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan 2024 Women of Distinction Honorees, and they will share their story, their history with Girl Scouts, and what led them to become nominated by community members and peers based on their professional and community leadership both professionally and in their communities, community service, being a strong role model for girls, and their community visibility.

Episode 63: Acadia Hahlbrock

Joining Brenna this week of The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast is Acadia Hahlbrock! Acadia is a Girl Scout Alum who achieved her Gold Award, and as she grew, she noticed the profound impact Girl Scouts had on her. She became a trop leader to share this profound impact with the next generation of Girl Scouts so they can also learn to be brave and take risks in a safe and supported environment. Acadia stresses that there is no one Troop Leader magician who knows it all and does everything perfectly like she saw in her Troop Leader growing up. By putting girls back out into the world to take risks and be bold, she found that the magician turned out to be inside of her and could be inside of any of you. As a Troop Leader, you can inspire girls with the magic of Girl Scouts every day!

Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.

Episode 62: Jennifer Cline

This week on The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, Jennifer Cline joins Brenna to talk about her time as a Girl Scout and her volunteer experience. Alum Jennifer shares all about her 16 years as a Girl Scout leader and everything she and her girls have accomplished through the years. Jennifer shares the importance of a troop being girl-led and how she encourages her girls to be decision-makers. She also talks about the amazing adventures Girl Scouts offers not only for the girls but for volunteers.

Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.

Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit today. 

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Episode 61: Stacey Seaver

Joining Brenna this week on The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast is Stacey Seaver! Stacey reminisces about her almost 40 years of Girl Scout experience, from the fun adventures of her childhood to the many hats she wears in the organization now. She opens up about volunteering and how much getting girls out of their and being a safe space for them means to her. She advocates for her girls to try new things and meet new people to get a better and more accepting view of the world around them. As a Trail Blazer Troop Leader, Stacey has taken her girls on many adventures and inspired them to dream without limitations. Outside of her role in her troop, she translates her outside interests and skills into facilitating training for other leaders and being the treasurer for the Ann Arbor Region.

Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.

Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit today.

Episode 60: Jessica Dailey

On this week’s episode of The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast is Jessica Dailey! Jessica joins Brenna to talk about her experience with Girl Scouts and volunteering. Her time in Girl Scouts began as a young girl, starting in Brownies and continuing until her junior year, where she earned her Silver Award. Jessica shares how she started volunteering during the pandemic and the resources that Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan provided to help smooth that process during that difficult time, and how she continues to use them to this day. The two also highlight volunteers’ many roles when working with a troop and that everyone can find their niche.

Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.

Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit today. 

Episode 59 – Susan O’Leary

On this week’s episode of the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, Brenna is joined by Susan O’Leary! Susan is a Girl Scout alum who wanted to continue her role with Girl Scouts when her daughters became Girl Scouts themselves. In the episode, Brenna and her speak about finding her role as a volunteer as someone who knew that becoming a troop leader straight away wasn’t for her but still had interests and skills that would benefit her daughters’ troop.

Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.

Want to support Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan? Visit today. 


Episode 58: Megan Fiero

Joining us this week on the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast is Megan Fiero! Megan wears many hats at Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan. Besides being an alum, she continued her legacy as a Troop leader for her daughter’s troop. However, her real Girl Scout passion is Product. Megan also serves as the Service Unit Product Manager for Birch Run. She prides herself in her work for the Product Program in her area and hopes to use her story to inspire listeners to volunteer, no matter the role!

Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with different Girl Scout Volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding.

Episode 57: Kelsey Moberg

This season on the Girl Scout Advantage Podcast, we are spotlighting the volunteers who make the magic happen! Throughout the season, we will speak to our wonderful volunteers about their experience with Girl Scouts and what makes the work they do so unique and rewarding. In this episode, you’ll hear from alum and current volunteer, Kelsey Moberg, about why she volunteers and what makes Girl Scouts so special.

15 Outcomes Recap: Jan Barker

Join us to hear from Girl Scout Heart of Michigan CEO, Jan Barker! Brenna and Jan focus on the overview of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and what it means for all girls. Listen to Jan talk about how she played a leading role in creating the 15 Outcomes and how it is the backbone of everything that is done in Girl Scouts!

Welcome to the newest season of the Girl Scout Advantage podcast! In this season, each week, Brenna will talk with a different Girl Scout or Girl Scout Volunteer to deep dive into one of the 15 Outcomes of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This episode focuses on the take aways from this season of the podcast that focused on the 15 Outcomes with Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan CEO Jan Barker.

Learn more about Girl Scouts at or on our Facebook page.