Episode 71: Jamie Lettow

The Dudes of Girl Scouting series continues on The Girl Scout Advantage Podcast with Jamie Lettow, a dedicated Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Board Member and proud Girl Scout dad!

Jamie has served on the board for over three years and has two daughters already in Girl Scouts—and a third ready to join soon! He is deeply invested in the organization’s impact on young girls. As a former Boy Scout with a love for the outdoors, he was drawn to the opportunities Girl Scouts provides, not just for his daughters but for all girls, no matter the background, in the community.

Jamie shares what being part of the Girl Scout movement means to him“This is one step above. It is helping an organization succeed and help their mission present to more girls in the community.” 

Tune in to hear how Jamie supports Girl Scouts at both the board level and as a dad, why he believes these experiences are so valuable, and how Girl Scouts is shaping the next generation of leaders.